You are always not right
You are always not right Because A. You are always right B. You have arguments in your head and you are always right. C. You don't argue with anyone. D. You know everything. E. Even when people point out you are wrong, your belief and perspective does not change - hence you are right. .... Unless you are God, you must have been wrong at some point - but you don't see it/you are not willing to see. you are not. the very fact that you think you you are always right makes you statement invalid. and this incident is testament to that. so there you go, stripped of the title! feeling light? I agree. Even I have always been right. Even with me, there wasn't a single incident to prove me wrong. That's simply because I consider all the facts and possibilities before making an answer or a decision. People out there don't even consider half of the possibilities i consider. That's what increases their odds of being wrong and me being correct. Thi...